Here you’ll find my publications and recent work.
Padgett, Jaye; Ryan Bennett; Grant McGuire; and Máire Ní Chiosáin (2024). Russian palatalization is a matter of the tongue body. Journal of Slavic Linguistics 32. See abstract and paper
Tabain, Marija; Jaye Padgett; Gertrud Schneider-Blum; Adele Gregory; and Richard Beare (2024). An acoustic study of ATR in Tima vowels: vowel quality, voice quality and duration. Phonology 41, e2. See abstract and paper
Bennett, Ryan; Jaye Padgett; Máire Ní Chiosáin; Grant McGuire; and Jennifer Bellik (2024). Effects of syllable position and place of articulation on secondary dorsal contrasts: an ultrasound study of Irish. Journal of Phonetics 107. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye; Ryan Bennett; Grant McGuire; Máire Ní Chiosáin; and Jennifer Bellik (2023). The timing of secondary dorsal articulations across syllable positions in Irish. Proceedings of ICPhS 20. See abstract and paper
Bennett, Ryan; Jaye Padgett; Máire Ní Chiosáin; Grant McGuire; and Jennifer Bellik (2019). Contrast enhancement and cue trading in Irish secondary consonant articulations. Proceedings of ICPhS 19, 3548-3552. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye & Máire Ní Chiosáin (2018). The perception of a secondary palatalization contrast: a preliminary comparison of Russian and Irish. In Bennett, Ryan; Andrew Angeles; Adrian Brasoveanu; Dhyana Buckley; Nick Kalivoda; Shigeto Kawahara; Grant McGuire; and Jaye Padgett (eds.), Hana-bana: a festschrift for Junko Ito and Armin Mester. Available at See abstract and paper
Bennett, Ryan; Máire Ní Chiosáin; Jaye Padgett; and Grant McGuire (2018). An ultrasound study of Connemara Irish palatalization and velarization. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 1-44. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2015). Word-edge effects as overphonologization of phrase-edge effects. In U. Steindl, T. Borer, H. Fang, A. García Pardo, P. Guekguezian, B. Hsu, C. O’Hara & I. Chuoying Ouyang (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, 41-53. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2014). On the origins of the prosodic word in Russian. In Campbell, N., D. Gibbon & D. Hirst (eds.) Proceedings of the Speech Prosody 2014 Conference, 368-371. See abstract and paper
Myers, Scott & Jaye Padgett (2014). Domain generalization in artificial language learning. Phonology 31.3, 399-433. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2012). The role of prosody in Russian voicing. In Borowsky, T., S. Kawahara, T. Shinya & M. Sugahara (eds.) Prosody matters: essays in honor of Lisa Selkirk. London: Equinox, 181-207. See abstract and paper
Ní Chiosáin, Máire & Jaye Padgett (2012). An acoustic and perceptual study of Connemara Irish palatalization. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 42.2, 171-191. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2011). Consonant-vowel place feature interactions. In Van Oostendorp, M., C. Ewen, E. Hume & K. Rice (eds.) The Blackwell companion to phonology, volume 3. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 1761-1786. See abstract and paper
Żygis, Marzena & Jaye Padgett (2010). A perceptual study of Polish fricatives, and its implications for historical sound change. Journal of phonetics 38, 207-226. See abstract and paper
Sanders, Nathan & Jaye Padgett (2010). Predicting vowel inventories from a dispersion-focalization model: new results. Proceedings from the annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, volume 44.2 (2008). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society, 293-307. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2010). Laboratory Phonology 8 (review). Language 86.4, 957-960. PDF
Padgett, Jaye (2010). Russian consonant-vowel interactions and derivational opacity. In Brown, W., A. Cooper, A. Fisher, E. Kesici, N. Predolac & D. Zec (eds.) Proceedings of the eighteenth Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics meeting (second Cornell meeting, 2009). Ann Arbor: Michigan Slavic Publications, 353-382. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2010). Russian /Cju/ and “perceptual” vs. “phonological” theories of borrowing: a reply to Paradis (and Thibeault). Lingua 120.5, 1233-1239. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2009). Systemic contrast and Catalan rhotics. The linguistic review 26.4, 431-463. See abstract and paper
Ní Chiosáin, Máire & Jaye Padgett (2009). Contrast, comparison sets, and the perceptual space. In Parker, S. (ed.) Phonological argumentation: essays on evidence and motivation. London: Equinox Publishing, 103-121. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2008). Glides, vowels, and features. Lingua 118, 1937-1955. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye & Marzena Żygis (2007). The evolution of sibilants in Polish and Russian. Journal of Slavic linguistics 15.2, 291-324. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye & Marija Tabain (2005). Adaptive Dispersion Theory and phonological vowel reduction in Russian. Phonetica 62, 14-54. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2004). Russian vowel reduction and Dispersion Theory. Phonological studies 7, 81-96. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2003). The emergence of contrastive palatalization in Russian. In Holt, D. E. (ed.) Optimality Theory and language change. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 307-335. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2003). Contrast and post-velar fronting in Russian. Natural language and linguistic theory 21.1, 39-87. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2002). Constraint conjunction versus grounded constraint subhierarchies in Optimality Theory. Ms., University of California, Santa Cruz. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2002). Russian voicing assimilation, final devoicing, and the problem of [v]. Ms., UC Santa Cruz. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2002). Feature classes in phonology. Language 78.1, 81-110. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2001). Contrast dispersion and Russian palatalization. In Hume, E. & K. Johnson (eds.) The role of speech perception in phonology. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 187-218. See abstract and paper
Ní Chiosáin, Máire & Jaye Padgett (2001). Markedness, segment realization, and locality in spreading. In Lombardi, L. (ed.) Segmental phonology in Optimality Theory: constraints and representations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 118-156. See abstract and paper
Itô, Junko; Armin Mester; and Jaye Padgett (1999). Lexical classes in Japanese: a reply to Rice. Phonology at Santa Cruz, Volume 6. Santa Cruz, CA: Linguistics Research Center, UCSC, 39-46. [Revised version (not available here) published as: Itô, Junko, Armin Mester & Jaye Padgett (2001). Alternations and distributional patterns in Japanese phonology. Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan 5.2, 54-60.] See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (2001). Feature classes in phonology (unabridged). (Longer version of paper that appeared in Language (see above).) Ms., UC Santa Cruz. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (1997). Perceptual distance of contrast: vowel height and nasality. In Walker, R., M. Katayama & D. Karvonen (eds.) Phonology at Santa Cruz Vol. 5. Santa Cruz, CA: Linguistics Research Center, UC Santa Cruz, 63-78. See abstract and paper
Ní Chiosáin, Máire & Jaye Padgett (1997). Markedness, segment realization, and locality in spreading (version 1997). Report no. LRC-97-01, Linguistics Research Center, Department of Linguistics, UC Santa Cruz. [Unpublished and different version from that above.] See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (1995). Feature classes. In Beckman, J., S. Urbanczyk & L. Walsh (eds.) University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics UMOP 18. Amherst: GLSA, 385-420. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (1995). Partial class behavior and nasal place assimilation. Proceedings of the South Western Optimality Theory Workshop 1995. Tuscon, AZ: The University of Arizona Coyote Papers, 145-183. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (1995). Stricture in feature geometry. Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications. See abstract
Itô, Junko; Armin Mester; and Jaye Padgett (1995). Licensing and underspecification in Optimality Theory. Linguistic inquiry 26.4, 571-613. See abstract and paper
Padgett, Jaye (1994). Stricture and nasal place assimilation. Natural language and linguistic theory 12.3, 465-513. See abstract and paper
Merchant, Jason; Jaye Padgett; and Rachel Walker (eds.) (1994). Phonology at Santa Cruz PASC 3. Santa Cruz: Linguistics Research Center, UC Santa Cruz.
Ní Chiosáin, Máire & Jaye Padgett (1993). Inherent VPlace. Report No. LRC-93-09, Linguistics Research Center, University of California, Santa Cruz. Download paper
Mester, Armin & Jaye Padgett (1994). Directional Syllabification in Generalized Alignment. In Merchant, J., J. Padgett & R. Walker (eds.) Phonology at Santa Cruz 3. 79-85. Download paper
Padgett, Jaye (1992). OCP subsidiary features. In Proceedings of NELS 22. Amherst, MA: GLSA Publications, Department of Linguistics, 335-346. Download paper
Padgett, Jaye (1991). Stricture in feature geometry. Ph.D. dissertation, UMass, Amherst [Revised version published by CSLI Press, Stanford, CA, 1995].